This is Hermana Jarvis, mi buen amiga. She has the job of adding all the brown sugar. Yumm!
Hermana Lindahl and Hermana Jarvis putting cute little red ribbons on each packet.
That's what I felt like today! It was the Zone Leader "consejo". It is the day all the zone leaders from all over the mission come here to the mission office for training and to plan the next zone conference. They start arriving early in the morning, and soon the office is just busy and bustling with over 20 missionaries who love the gospel, are so excited that they are here, and have leadership just dripping from them.
They greet each other with the all too familiar missionary hug and "tap-tap" on the shoulder. They have smiles that cover their face as they see old companions and renew their friendships. They spend the day with the President and the Assistants, being fed and filled with spiritual renewal.
I had to deliver some medications to several of them to take back to their zones. As I did this the President had them stand and give me an ovation of clapping and cheers for my service. The tears just filled my eyes as I felt their love and appreciation for my service. I stood so humbly surrounded by this wall of giants. Giants in the mission. Giants to the other missionaries. Giants to the members and investigators, and Giants to the Lord.
A Coincidence?
Last night we had a movie night with the Jarvis's. As we entered into our apartment it was cold. Steve checked the thermostat, turned it up—the heater did not come on. It also heats our water. We turned on the water, no hot water. He fiddled around with it for about 15 minutes, still didn't work. I was getting prepared for a cold night in the apartment and maybe no shower in the morning unless I wanted to freeze.
I was kneeling waiting for Steve to come and join me, and it was cold!!! It was my turn to say the bedtime prayer. I just quickly said the prayer, and said, "Please help our heater to work so we can be warm tonight." Then I jumped in to bed as quickly as I could and pulled the blankets up around me. As Steve got into bed, we heard a sound; it was the heater turning on. Amazing! Coincidence? Steve quickly said, "Wow, we're going to have you say all the prayers. How 'bout praying for a million dollars."
He does hear and answer prayers!
That was the announcement from the stand at Church today. "Pretend you are in Japan. When you greet someone, just bow to them. No hugs, kisses, or handshakes." This is very hard down here where everyone gives a big hug, kisses on the cheeks, and hearty handshakes. Church for the next three weeks will be shortened to just Sacrament meeting to limit exposure to the flu. One of the young men stood at the door of the chapel and put hand gel in everyone's hands as they cam e in the door. Not many are wearing masks at this point, but it probably is not a bad idea. So far we have not been affected. I keep eating an orange a day and keep praying the flu stays away.
Last week, two of the Elders from Valle de Uco had to come in to finish some immigration paper work. They had to be here by 0700. So that meant they had to leave their area at 0400 in the morning. As they did the paperwork it was very frustrating. Calls were made back and forth for assistance from the office, but when it came down to finishing the paperwork it became evident that one number on the Latino Elder's passport had been entered wrong. It could not be accomplished. They were told they would have to come back again on another day with it done correctly. They couldn't come back later that week because they had baptisms they had to get ready for. So we told them, "Call and let us know the day you are coming in, and we will have breakfast ready for you."
Last night about 10pm, came the call. We're coming in tomorrow morning. So breakfast we will have ready. Pancakes, eggs, homemade syrup. This is the least we can do for these young men who are working so hard to serve the Lord.
PS. They came in this morning and the office was closed due to the flu. Another trip and the situation not solved. But they did eat lots of pancakes, eggs, and hashbrowns.
I am sick and tired (literally) of the flu. It has finally hit here in our mission. This past week we have had about 1/3 of our mission down with the flu or flu like symptoms. My phone has rang constantly. Most of the missionaries have been strong and have recovered within several days, but we have had several that have really struggled to get well.
I felt really bad for Sister Sybrowsky. She had been sick, well for just a little time, and then sick again. Her last bout kept her in her apartment for over a week. She was not only feeling bad from the flu, but depressed in having to stay home every day and just look at those four walls. She could keep almost nothing down and was getting weaker and weaker. We brought her in to stay a few days with us in the "Hermana Room".
As we picked her up with her companion, she appeared pale, listless, no enthusiasm for anything. Her parents called her while we were driving back to our apartment. She seemed fairly embarrassed by the call. She stayed for 3 days, and each day I could see more spring in her step, color in her cheeks, and no vomiting. Each day she would eat just a little more and do a little more. By the time she left she was back to normal-or at least headed in that direction. The two Hermanas made cinnamon rolls on their last night here.
Elder Hollinger was one of the sickest Elders. He came down with the flu and immediately started running a very high fever, severe headaches and chest congestion. I had him start by treating the symptoms with ibuprophen, decongestant, etc. His very dear companion, Elder Ahmad, doctored him like a baby. He called frequently, and would go and buy the medications I would order, and stood faithfully by. The AMA was called on an ongoing basis and his reply was always, "It's the flu there is nothing that can be done, they just have to endure."
Well after about the 4th day and he is still not better, still running a fever, and his chest in becoming more congested, I made the decision to go and bring him in to the Dr. As we entered his pension and I went into the bedroom where he was, I could see his eyes light up. I did an exam, and then asked him, Elder I would like to take you to be seen by a MD, is that OK? The tears almost welled up in his eyes as he said "Thank You!." It was like a miracle had arrived to save him.
We went to the Dr at the ER at hospital Espanol. He was examined and the MD found some white spots on the back of his throat and he listened very carefully to all the aspects of his chest. He ordered a steroid to assist with the congestion. He did not order a test for swine flu, but I think this is the closest case we have had to it.
We brought him back to the mission office. There, Elder Jarvis put did these wonderful hot pack treatments to the front and the back of his chest. He had a hot pack that he soaked in hot boiling water and then had Elder Hollinger lie on the exam table with towels draped over his bare back. The hot packs were put on and they would stay warm for at least 10 minutes. Then he would turn him over and repeat on the other side. It was like we were roasting him until well done. The object of the treatment was to loosen up the congestion in the lungs.
One of the medications was an injection of steroids to reduce the lung congestion. This was the second injection that I have given since I have been here. Actually I am not licensed to do injections in Argentina, but in some instances it is just the most efficient way to have it done.
Afterwards we brought the two Elders over to our apartment to eat lunch. As Elder Hollinger walked in, he exclaimed, "You have such a nice apartment, I feel like I am in the States." PS, He is now on the mend, but the awesome Elder that nursed him all the way is now sick with the flu.
As the sick ones get well, it just seems that new ones take their places. Fooey on the Flu!