Sunday, November 24, 2013

Legacy LakeTeam

On our mission at the girls camp, all 70 missionary couples were assigned to various teams. Our assignment was the "Lake Team".  There were 9 couples on our team.  As we worked together each day at our task of launching over 500 boaters a day, we became very close friends.  These are friendships that will last forever..  Here are the members of our team.
Judy and Steve Kenyon, our team leaders, Riverton, Utah
Mary & Ken LeBlanc, Heber City, Utah
Us, Grantsville, Utah
Karen & Larry Smith, Ammon, Idaho
Beth & Bob Turner, Idaho Falls, Idaho
Marlene & Bruce Niederhauser, St.George, Utah
Mary Lee and Charles Richards,  Roy, Utah
Holly & Jim Wilson, Layton, Utah
Barbara & Jerry Smith, Pleasant Grove, Utah

Each team member brought their own skills and talents.  Each brought their own personalities.  Putting all this together we accomplished great things.

1 comment:

MikesDork said...

Looks like you had a great team and made some good friends and memories!