This is our tiny stove. The control on the oven only has two settings: Max and Min and in between there is an arrow that you just guess at where the temperature is. I do use an oven thermometer. My first cassarole was found cooking at 500 degrees. A little toastie I think.
This is our bathroom.
There is the shower, and in front of it is the cutest little bathtub.
Here is Steve getting ready to jump in our cute little bath tub. It'll be a tight fit, I think.
Here is our little table.
Notice the wonderful grandkid book. We look at it often, and instead of TV we have our wonderful digital picture frame to look at while we eat. Thanks for those gifts. Notice the bottle of thousand island Dressing.
A sample of our daily schedule:
7:00 the alarm clock goes off, playing the CD-Called to Serve!
7:15-Exercise, showers, breakfast-learn the new Spanish word of the day.
9:00-off to the mission office where we start the day with an "Himno"(song), un oracion (prayer), and announcements for the day. I often have follow-ups to do on medical issues, and then handling the medical issues as they call in. Steve is busy with office and computer things.
There are trips to the hospital, farmacias, etc.
12:00 Usually lunch doesn't happen until about 1:30 or 2:00. We run home, grab a bite to eat, and then back to the office until about 6-7pm.
7:00pm Quick trip to the store for food, or home to fix dinner.
8:00pm dinner
9:00 hopefully time to study
10:30 Bedtime at last.
The next entry will be a trip around our neighborhood!