Saturday, October 29, 2011

Garden Harvest

I am certain you have all been waiting on pins and needles to see how our square foot garden did. Well, sorry I have been so late in getting this on the blog. You see I have been so busy harvesting . . .or at least this can be an excuse.
This is an average day picking. We had so many zuchinni and cucumbers all the neighbors were kept in good supply.

This is my first venture at pressure canning. The green beans were the best. Only had a problem with the canner, the lid stuck and I couldn't get the jars out. Finally I did, but I was afraid I would have to use dynamite to open it.
Here are some of my rewards. Jars of salsa and pickles. It was lots of fun. Today, I cleaned the garden and took most of it down for the winter as we have threats of cold weather (freezing) next week. And, yes, we plan to do more square foot gardening.


Tracy said...

I'm so glad that you enjoyed your garden so much.

MikesDork said...

Some day I will have a garden....likes like square for gardening worked for you! Good the post