Thursday, May 9, 2013


 May  3, 2013 
     The phone call came while we were down at the Lake with our team; "Can you be at church at 9:30 on Sunday?  Brother Wright would like to talk to you and your husband."  Well this phone call only means one thing, a call to serve in a Church calling is going to be extended.  We both looked at each other and thought, "probably  district leaders".  So that would be just fine.  . . a great calling for the both of us.
     We arrived a few minutes early and sat and chatted with some other couples that were being called to positions.  Then it was our turn, into the room we went.  There sat the 4 Brothers who take care of all the Church part of camp as well as taking care of the actual operation of the camp; Brothers Wright, Case, Riddle, and Edwards.  We sat down and then Brother Wright spoke.. . " Sister Brown we  would like to extend to you the calling to be the Compassionate Service leader in the Relief Society".  I was astonished!  This is not what I had expected!  I was thrilled to accept the calling, but, I have never done this before and felt totally humbled by it.  Whoa!  Can I do this?  Steve was asked if he could support me in this calling and he answered, yes!
     After our meetings I wa set apart by  the Priesthood and the call was official.  I listened carefully as Brother Case said the words of my blessing.  I was told to pray and ask for the Lord's help, and that my families would be blessed for my service.  The tears were just flowing down my cheeks.

I pray that the Lord will have compassion on me as I serve the wonderful sisters on the mountain.


Tracy said...

serve well, we need blessings :)

MikesDork said...

you are the perfect person for that calling! Good luck!